Dorothy Roberts and Harriet Washington (Author of Medical Apartheid, Doubleday Press, 2006) secured an award from the Brocher Foundation to support a workshop, “Quantifying Race: How Politics, Economics, and Medical Myopia Drive Color-Coded Data," on June 15-16 2015 at the Brocher Centre in Hermance, Switzerland. The workshop “Quantifying Race" workshop will bring together an international array of scholars from stellar institutions. During the two-day event, scholars will examine how law, social science, medicine, and genomics approach the utility of race in genetics-driven technological innovation and "big data"; investigate and evaluate future directions for medical research in this field as well as the grave political implications of race consciousness in genomic research and technologies; and will discuss the need for a biopolitical and transdisciplinary paradigm that is committed to our common humanity, our medical interdependence, and scientific rigor as the route to medical and social transformation. The Brocher Foundation is a prestigious research foundation located in Hermance, Switzerland. The Brocher Foundation helps bring together scientists and experts in the ethical, legal and social implications of the development of medical research and biotechnologies.